The highly anticipated console release of Phasmophobia has been delayed indefinitely, leaving players disappointed. Originally scheduled to launch in time for Halloween, the developers at Kinetic Games have encountered unexpected challenges that require more time to overcome.
This is not the first delay for the console release, as it was initially planned to coincide with a major update in August. However, setbacks such as an office fire and unforeseen obstacles have caused further delays.
Despite these setbacks, the developers have been working on improving the game for its eventual release on PlayStation VR. One of the iconic maps, Maple Lodge Campsite, has undergone a complete overhaul with new features and better performance.
While it remains uncertain if the updated map will be available on the PC version, console players can look forward to a significantly enhanced experience.
Unfortunately, the indefinite delay means that console players will miss out on the Halloween event, which includes exciting activities like cooking ghostly concoctions and scavenger hunts for recipe cards.
The developers have not provided a specific timeline for the console release but have assured players that they will be kept informed. A revised release date will be announced as soon as it is finalized.
Despite the disappointment, console players may still have the opportunity to participate in the winter season event, offering some consolation for the delayed release.