Counter-Strike 2’s Premier matchmaking is facing a major issue, as players are experiencing significant drops in their ranks. The problem lies in the fact that players are losing an excessive amount of Elo points, with some losing up to 1,000 points in a single match. Normally, a loss would result in a decrease of around 100 to 200 Elo points, but players are reporting losses of 800, 900, or even four-digit downgrades.
The issue is particularly severe for players who have been kicked from Premier matches due to bugs or glitches. These players have seen their Elo points plummet by as much as 1,000, simply because they were on the receiving end of server errors or faulty internet connections. Even players who have abandoned Premier matches can expect to lose 1,000 Elo points upon logging back in.
While it may be argued that those who deserve to be penalized should face such consequences, the current penalty system in CS2 is flawed. Players who have been kicked by a group of four or experienced disconnections through no fault of their own are being punished in the same way. This leaves players affected by CS2’s various bugs as innocent victims.
Valve, the developer of CS2, has yet to respond to the calls for a change in the Elo loss system. As CS2 is still relatively new, bugs have been prevalent throughout the beta period and its full release. However, players believe that it is unacceptable for them to be penalized for reasons beyond their control.
Ranked penalties have been a topic of discussion in the CS2 community for some time now, even before the discontinuation of Global Offensive last month. Players have been urging Valve to introduce lower penalties for matches where a teammate has left, as this often leads to devastating defeats.
Valve has remained silent on these requests, leaving players frustrated and seeking a resolution to the flawed ranking system in CS2.