DragonForce, the renowned British power metal band, has just dropped a new track titled “Power of the Triforce,” based on the beloved Legend of Zelda series. Accompanied by an electrifying music video, the band showcases their mastery by defeating Zelda-inspired adversaries within a medieval setting, wielding the mighty Master Sword and even conjuring lightning from their guitars.
True to DragonForce’s signature style, “Power of the Triforce” exhibits the exceptional guitar skills of lead guitarist Herman Li, evoking nostalgia for the days of attempting to conquer their legendary hit, “Through the Fire and the Flames,” on Expert difficulty in Guitar Hero 3. Fans of the band will undoubtedly feel right at home with this familiar sound.
Initially, concerns arose that DragonForce might face legal repercussions from Nintendo, as the song does not have official endorsement and the company has previously taken action against unauthorized use of its intellectual properties. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the music video contains no copyrighted material, locations, or props from the Zelda franchise, despite frequent references to the “Triforce,” “Hyrule,” and the “Master Sword.”
This isn’t the first time DragonForce has drawn inspiration from video games. Many of their tracks revolve around popular gaming franchises, and their music videos often feature licensed video game products, such as the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis game console.
For those seeking another exceptional song inspired by a video game, the recently released League of Legends World Championship “GODS” music video is worth exploring. We’ve even uncovered all the Easter eggs hidden within it for your enjoyment.
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