The esports community is in an uproar once again as Evil Geniuses, a prominent esports team, finds itself embroiled in yet another controversy. This time, the team is facing backlash for their treatment of a former Rocket League content creator.
On October 13th, Elyse “Herculyse” Herrera, a popular Rocket League content creator and caster, was abruptly released by Evil Geniuses. She was informed that her tournament series, the New Era Series, had lost sponsors and partnerships, resulting in the cancellation of the last four events. This news came as a shock to Herculyse and her fans, as her series had featured top-tier organizations and exciting squads from North America and Europe.
However, just over a week after Herculyse’s release and the cancellation of her series, Evil Geniuses made a surprising announcement. The organization revealed that they would be hosting their own Rocket League tournament, the Chevron Collegiate Cup, sponsored by American gas giant Chevron. This decision sparked confusion and anger within the esports community, with many expressing their disappointment and vowing not to support the tournament out of solidarity with Herculyse.
Prominent figures in the esports industry, including Team Dignitas, Cloud9’s senior social media manager Mateus Portilho, and popular commentator Jessica “Jess” Bolden, voiced their displeasure towards Evil Geniuses’ actions. They labeled it a “dirty move” by the organization and criticized their lack of transparency. Despite the public outcry, Evil Geniuses has remained silent on the matter and has not taken down the tournament announcement.
This recent controversy adds to a growing list of issues surrounding Evil Geniuses. Earlier this year, the team faced allegations of mistreatment towards former League of Legends superstar Kyle “Danny” Sakamaki, who retired from professional play due to mental health issues exacerbated by the team’s actions.
As a result of these controversies, Evil Geniuses’ reputation within the esports community continues to decline. Rebuilding trust and regaining favor from the public will be a challenging task for the organization moving forward.