An exploit known as the “invisibility exploit” is wreaking havoc in Apex Legends ranked lobbies, severely impacting the game. This exploit occurs when a Revenant’s prestige skin finisher is interrupted just as the downed opponent is devoured by Revenant’s body, resulting in the player becoming invisible.
The exploit is most commonly used by six-man teams in ranked matches. These teams coordinate with each other and utilize their Revenant characters to turn themselves and their opponents invisible. This exploit is particularly favored by boosters as it cannot be countered and remains undetectable by Seer and Bloodhound’s abilities.
A video uploaded on Nov. 18 by streamer Stormen showcased this bug, highlighting the frustration experienced by players due to the lack of counterplay. One disheartened commenter expressed their hopelessness, stating, “Just one more season guys. It’ll change. It’ll be good.”
Despite the widespread impact of this exploit, Respawn has yet to acknowledge it, and there is no mention of it on the bug tracker Trello board. It is crucial for the development team to address this issue promptly to prevent players from being discouraged from playing the game.
Furthermore, it is important to note that stat padding and boosting are strictly prohibited in Apex Legends. Boosting involves artificially increasing a player’s rank by having others play on their behalf. These actions are considered bannable offenses. The lack of serious action from the developers regarding this matter can deter players from engaging in fair gameplay.
We have reached out to EA for comment on this exploit and its impact on the game.