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Get Out of Work to Play Starfield with Bethesda’s “Official” Excuse


Bethesda’s head of publishing, Pete Hines, has provided an “official” way for Starfield fans to escape the clutches of work and indulge in their video game passion. Hines shared a leave of absence note on his Twitter profile, assuming the role of head physician of the Constellation group. In this note, he explains that the person seeking leave is currently undergoing treatment for an infection from an Ashta bite after a recent expedition to Tau Ceti II. While Hines is not a doctor, any employer should unquestionably accept this excuse.

If you’re planning to play Starfield and need time off, whether it’s during the early access period starting tomorrow or the official launch next week, Uncle Pete has got you covered. Simply present this note and enjoy your gaming time guilt-free.

For those unfamiliar with Ashtas, they are a ferocious predatory alien species found outside the walls of Akila City on the planet Akila. However, it seems they can also be encountered in the Tau Ceti system. If an infection is the worst consequence of an Ashta bite, consider yourself fortunate.

Hines’ note is an enhanced version of a fan-made leave form created by the Starfield Beyond community. While using an official note from a developer like Hines may increase your chances of securing time off, it’s important to be knowledgeable about Ashtas in case your boss asks follow-up questions.

Starfield’s early access begins tonight at 7pm CT, with the game’s worldwide release scheduled for September 6.

Time Score
Early access Tonight at 7pm CT
Official release September 6



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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