Months of anticipation have finally come to an end as Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street, the renowned game developer, unveiled his new studio and its upcoming MMO game. In a recent Twitter video, Street introduced Fantastic Pixel Castle, the name of his studio, and announced their ambitious project codenamed Ghost.
Fantastic Pixel Castle aims to create an epic AAA MMORPG called Ghost, but what sets this studio apart is their commitment to collaboration with the players. They value the input and perspectives of their fans, even during the early stages of development. This dedication to partnering with players is a core value of the studio.
To kick off this partnership, Fantastic Pixel Castle will be hosting their first livestream on November 8th at 1pm CT on their Twitch channel. During this stream, they will provide more information about the studio, the team, and the game itself. However, as Ghost is still in its early development phase, no gameplay footage will be shared at this time.
Ghostcrawler, known for his work on games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends, left Riot Games earlier this year to establish his own studio. The details of his new game have been eagerly awaited by fans, and this announcement has sparked excitement and high expectations.
While there are still limited details available about Ghost and Fantastic Pixel Castle, the studio’s commitment to open communication and collaboration with fans is a promising sign. It indicates that the players’ experience and feedback will be at the forefront of their priorities.