Ned Luke, the voice actor known for his role as Michael De Santa in GTA 5, was targeted by swatting while live-streaming GTA Online. During a Thanksgiving Twitch stream, Luke abruptly ended the stream after being informed that the police were at his door. Although he has not provided further details about the incident, he posted an emoji on social media suggesting he was unharmed. Swatting has become increasingly common in the livestreaming community, often resulting in dangerous situations. Just recently, YouTube star IShowSpeed was also swatted during a live stream, and this was not the first time he had been targeted.
Despite being recognized for his portrayal of Michael in GTA 5, Luke has been building a substantial following on YouTube with his GTA streams and content. Since October, he has gained over 50,000 subscribers by playing GTA and engaging with fans. As anticipation for GTA 6 grows, Luke’s channel is likely to continue expanding as fans reminisce about previous GTA games.
It remains to be seen whether Michael will make an appearance in GTA 6, which is expected to be the most highly anticipated game ever. The game’s unveiling is scheduled for December, possibly at The Game Awards. With just a few weeks until the next era of GTA begins, fans are eagerly awaiting the reveal.
Time | Score |
Thanksgiving Twitch stream | Interrupted by swatting incident |
IShowSpeed’s swatting | Continued targeting |
Ned Luke’s YouTube channel | Over 50,000 subscribers |
GTA 6 reveal | Expected in December |