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Gumayusi compares ADC role to an egg in League of Legends


Gumayusi, the T1 marksman, recently shared an interesting analogy about the ADC role in League of Legends. He compared it to an egg in a bowl of instant ramen, highlighting its importance but also its dependency on other roles.

In Gumayusi’s analogy, the noodles, water, and soup base represent the top, middle, and jungle roles, while the vegetables symbolize the support role. The egg, on the other hand, represents the ADC role.

According to Gumayusi, the ADC is like an extra treat in the ramen. While the other ingredients are crucial for a good bowl of ramen, the egg adds that extra touch of deliciousness. Similarly, the ADC role relies on the top, middle, and jungle roles to function effectively.

When the other roles are performing well, the ADC can shine and make a significant impact in teamfights. However, if the other roles are struggling or underperforming, the ADC becomes less relevant and unable to fulfill its potential.

Gumayusi emphasizes that the ADC role is meaningless without a strong foundation from the other roles. Just as an egg doesn’t matter if the noodles are undercooked or the soup base is lacking, the ADC’s damage output is futile without a supportive team.

He concludes by stating that when all the ingredients in the ramen are of high quality, the egg becomes important and the ADC can truly shine. But if the other elements are lacking, the ADC’s impact diminishes.

While Gumayusi didn’t delve into the specifics of the support role and vegetables in his analogy, it’s clear that they share the same dependency as the ADC role.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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