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Heartbreaking Easter Egg Discovered in Baldur’s Gate 3

Tim Price

In the popular game Baldur’s Gate 3, players have stumbled upon a heartbreaking scene after returning Arabella’s body to her grieving parents in the Druid’s Grove. This unexpected Easter egg has left players shocked and saddened.

While there are many hidden aspects in BG3, such as special narrations and romantic scenes, players did not anticipate witnessing such a heart-wrenching moment. One player accidentally triggered the scene by returning Arabella’s body to her parents out of curiosity.

The scene depicts Arabella’s parents surrounding her lifeless body, overcome with grief and tears. It is a truly devastating sight that has left players feeling sorrowful and disturbed.

Interestingly, some players have discovered this Easter egg in unconventional ways. One player attempted to use Arabella’s body as a projectile to harm her parents, only to witness the heartbreaking scene unfold. This showcases the game’s open-ended nature, where players can experiment with various actions and consequences.

It is worth noting that if the roles are reversed and Arabella’s parents’ bodies are returned to her, she does not display any grief or mourning. This one-sided reaction has left players disappointed, as they hoped for a more emotional response from the character.

The discovery of this scene has led players to question the depths they are willing to explore in the game. It highlights the dark and immersive nature of Baldur’s Gate 3, where players can experience both joy and heartbreak.

Date Score
November 2nd Heartbreaking Easter egg found in BG3



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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