Hisuian Arcanine, the beloved Pokémon, has once again emerged victorious at the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Latin America International Championships (LAIC). This remarkable win marks its fifth consecutive major tournament victory since the introduction of Regulation E last month.
LAIC, the first of three international VGC events leading up to the 2024 World Championships, showcased the undeniable prowess of Hisuian Arcanine. While Roaring Moon initially stole the spotlight on the first day, it was ultimately Hisuian Arcanine who triumphed over all competitors by the end of the weekend.
Renowned players like Wolfe Glick, the 2016 World Champion, are closely following the incredible winning streak of this majestic canine. With four regional titles and now an international championship under its belt, Hisuian Arcanine has secured an impressive five major Pokémon tournament wins in a row.
These victories have come after the meta shift from Regulation D to Regulation E, which allowed the inclusion of new and returning Pokémon from The Teal Mask DLC. Although Hisuian Arcanine made its VGC debut during Regulation D, it has truly flourished in the current meta, effectively replacing its original Gen I form as an exceptional Intimidate user. Not only does it excel in this role, but it also proves to be a formidable physical attacker with its Choice Band, utilizing moves such as Rock Slide, Head Smash, Flare Blitz, and Extreme Speed.
Despite its remarkable winning streak, Hisuian Arcanine is not the most popular Pokémon in the current metagame. At LAIC, it ranked eighth in terms of usage, appearing on only 23.8 percent of teams. While it may not have the highest usage rate, its presence in the top 12 is still noteworthy. Surprisingly, other Pokémon like Flutter Mane and Iron Hands surpassed Hisuian Arcanine with usage rates exceeding 50 percent. It is intriguing that more trainers are not gravitating towards Hisuian Arcanine, considering its flawless win rate in Regulation E thus far.
However, the success of Hisuian Arcanine may be short-lived. In the past, we have witnessed meta threats like Palafin and Ogerpon perform exceptionally well in tournaments, only to decline soon after. Whether it be the discovery of more counters to the fiery canine or the emergence of a superior Intimidate user in the next regulation, it is possible that Hisuian Arcanine’s reign may come to an end. Additionally, one of the most formidable Fire-type Pokémon and Intimidate users in VGC history, Incineroar, is expected to make a comeback once The Indigo Disk DLC is released, potentially reshaping the competitive landscape.
Regulation E is set to conclude on Tuesday, January 2, which means Incineroar could soon return to disrupt the Pokémon meta as early as next year. This may also mark the end of Hisuian Arcanine’s VGC success until the next significant format change.