The debate over who is the best controller player in Apex Legends continues, with Koyful from Sentinels gaining attention. However, TSM ImperialHal, XSET Sikezz, and The Dojo’s iiTzTimmy believe that Koyful’s time with Sentinels may be short-lived. In a recent Twitch stream, ImperialHal criticized Sentinels’ IGL Rkn for his lack of kills in important matches. This has led to speculation that Koyful may be dropped from the team, as fraggers are often replaced more frequently than IGLs. Despite his talent, it seems that Sentinels are unlikely to drop their IGL, which may result in Koyful seeking opportunities with other organizations. The lackluster performance of Sentinels in the ALGS further supports this possibility. However, it is common for the team captain to retain their position, regardless of their success, making it difficult for Rkn to be removed. The absence of coaches on the team also adds to this challenge. Similar to mouse and keyboard players, controller players like Koyful face uncertainty in their careers, as they can be easily replaced by younger talents. Koyful’s mechanical skills give him an advantage in the upcoming ALGS Y4, but his future remains uncertain.
About Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson
With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.