Prepare for the arrival of Hwei, the Visionary, as League of Legends unveils its last champion of the year. This troubled artist from Ionia brings a unique blend of terror and tranquility to the battlefield, using his artistic gift to punish wrongdoers and comfort their victims. However, Hwei must also confront his own inner demons as he faces off against Jhin, the man who both devastated and inspired his artistic mind.
A Complex and Versatile Artillery Mage
Hwei, the 166th champion to join the League’s roster, is a flexible artillery mage with a kit that includes 10 unique abilities. His three special spellbooks grant him destructive damage, soothing shields and heals, and oppressive crowd control. Mastering Hwei requires players to learn the combinations of keypresses that unlock these abilities, making him one of the most complex champions released by Riot Games.
Unleashing the Power of Spellbooks
Hwei’s Q, W, and E keys can be combined with each other to create nine different basic abilities. For example, his Q spellbook, Subject: Disaster, offers various damage-dealing abilities such as launching fireballs, summoning lightning strikes, or creating lava paths that slow and damage enemies. His W spellbook, Subject: Serenity, provides utility in the form of movement speed boosts, group shields, and mana boosts with bonus magic damage. Lastly, his E spellbook, Subject: Torment, offers crowd control options like skillshot-based fleeing, timed lock-on roots, and abilities that pull back and slow enemies.
Mastery and Strategy
To maximize Hwei’s efficiency in battle, players must carefully choose which spells to invoke and avoid spamming abilities. This requires calmness and precision as players weave different spell combinations together to launch attacks, set up crowd control for teammates, and provide utility to keep them healthy.
Coming Soon to the PBE
Hwei will be available for testing on League’s PBE (Public Beta Environment) starting from November 20th. Get ready to experience the power and complexity of this visionary champion as he brings his unique artistic flair to the Summoner’s Rift.