In the world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, glitches and bugs are no strangers. From Dynamax Pokemon returning in DLC to game-breaking glitches, players have encountered numerous hilarious and unexpected issues. However, a recent discovery has taken the strangeness to a whole new level – the Ghost Shopping Bag.
A Reddit user stumbled upon this elusive “Pokemon” while going about their usual business. This peculiar encounter left them unable to interact with the mysterious entity. Some speculate that this may not be a bug at all but a sneak peek at a new regional variant Pokemon set to debut in The Indigo Disk DLC on Dec. 14.
Regardless of its origin, this glitch is undeniably bizarre. It seems that an asset for a shopping bag has been mistakenly replaced with a Pokemon, resulting in a magical journey throughout Paldea. Unfortunately, the trainer was unable to battle or capture the bag, leaving us curious about its true identity. Was it imitating an existing Pokemon, or could it have become a unique shopping bag Pokemon companion?
With each new glitch or bug discovered, we can’t help but wonder what surprises await us next in the world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Stay tuned for more unexpected encounters!
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Unknown | Unknown |