In the upcoming Patch 13.20 for League of Legends, Riot Games is implementing significant changes to the jungle role. These changes aim to slow down the pace of the game and prevent solo laners from stealing jungle camps.
Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has outlined the changes, which involve increasing the durability of jungle monsters. This will effectively reduce the speed at which junglers can clear camps and discourage other players from poaching these camps.
On the PBE server, jungle camps will start with their usual health threshold but will gain significantly more health as they level up. For instance, at max level, normal camp health will increase from 200 percent to 235 percent. Buff camps will also see an increase from 100-200 percent (levels 1-11) to 100-270 percent (levels 1-18).
These adjustments will discourage laners from roaming after pushing their waves to steal jungle camps, while also discouraging junglers from farming in lanes. The recent Patch 13.5 already reduced the amount of experience junglers receive from minions compared to jungle camps, further incentivizing them to focus on their own territory.
The overall goal of these changes is to slow down the pace of games by increasing jungle clear times. Additionally, it aims to prevent extreme snowballing through early solo leads, particularly from champions with strong laning abilities who can easily clear waves and roam.
Patch 13.20 is scheduled to release on Wednesday, October 11, one day after the start of the 2023 World Championship. These changes are intended to benefit regular players and address the overpowered nature of the jungle role in the current meta.