Knights Arena, a tournament organizer partnered with Riot Games, has taken swift action after one of their managers was accused of stealing players’ registration fees. The incident, described as “significant financial fraud,” has prompted Knights Arena to terminate the employee responsible and address the issue head-on.
The employee, known as “Jasper (sFX),” allegedly redirected the registration fees to a third-party bank account, resulting in the loss of thousands of dollars. In response, Knights Arena has emphasized the importance of using their official payment channels, which can be accessed through their website. They are also collaborating with the Americas VALORANT Player’s Association (AVPA) to identify and rectify any wrongdoing experienced by players.
Furthermore, Knights Arena has reported the situation to local authorities and is committed to utilizing the full extent of the law to investigate and prosecute the former employee. Their prompt and decisive action demonstrates their dedication to maintaining a trustworthy ecosystem for players and upholding their partnership with Riot Games.
It is worth noting that incidents of fraud and misconduct have plagued the esports industry, particularly in tier-two events. However, Knights Arena’s response sets a precedent for accountability and serves as a reminder that such actions will not be tolerated.
Original Content:
| Date | Time | Score |
| Sept. 21 | – | Issue raised by former participant |
| – | Two-week investigation | Employee terminated |
| Oct. 2 | – | Knights Arena’s official statement |
Paraphrased Content:
| Date | Time | Score |
| Sept. 21 | – | Former participant raises issue |
| – | Two weeks later | Employee fired after investigation |
| Oct. 2 | – | Knights Arena releases official statement |