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League of Legends Ranked Season Changes: A Meaningless Shift or a Call for Reflection?


Riot Games recently announced significant changes to the ranked season in League of Legends, dividing it into three splits. While this decision has sparked controversy within the game’s community, a top-ranked player in North America argues that these alterations ultimately hold no real significance. In a Reddit post on August 29th, this former third-ranked player emphasized that these changes should not be given excessive attention.

The author, who boasts 14 years of experience in the game and has played at the highest level alongside ex-LCS players, asserts that their rank has never had any impact on their life. They urge the League community not to become fixated on these modifications, as they ultimately mean “absolutely nothing.”

Furthermore, the author cautions against prioritizing rank over enjoyment. They argue that if players are forcing themselves to play solely to achieve a higher rank without finding pleasure in the game, it becomes problematic and defeats the purpose of playing. In fact, they go as far as suggesting that individuals who tie their self-worth to a meaningless rank in a video game may benefit from therapy.

While the comments section of the post is filled with lighthearted jokes, some users offer serious responses. One player shares that once they realized rank held no significance, they decided to quit the game altogether. Others present counterarguments, highlighting the human desire to excel at something as a valid motivation.

Both sides present valid points. While having fun should be the primary objective when playing League or any multiplayer game, striving to improve and achieve excellence can also be fulfilling. However, as the author suggests, making rank the sole focus of one’s life can be detrimental and often leads to toxic behavior, ultimately diminishing the overall gaming experience for many players.

Perhaps it would be beneficial for all parties involved to approach the grind with a more relaxed mindset, avoiding toxic behavior and prioritizing enjoyment over rank. By doing so, we can create a healthier and more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

About the author

The author of this article is a former third-ranked player in North America who has been playing League of Legends for 14 years. They have extensive experience at the highest level of play and have even competed alongside ex-LCS players. Despite their achievements, they emphasize that rank holds no real significance and should not be tied to one’s self-worth.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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