Alioth, the powerful card that has been dominating the game since its release, is receiving a substantial nerf in Marvel Snap’s first OTA patch for the Bloodstone season. While Alioth’s text remains the same, its power is being reduced from five to three.
Second Dinner, the developer of Marvel Snap, explains that Alioth has had a significant impact on the metagame, pushing players to play more aggressively and weakening other cards like Shang-Chi. The change in Alioth’s power makes it easier to counter and catch when competing for close locations.
Another card, Forge, is also being adjusted in this patch. Previously, Forge received a big buff, but now it will add two power instead of three when the next card is played. To balance this change, Forge’s energy cost is reduced from two to one.
Shuri, a minor character, is also getting a nerf in this patch. Her power is reduced from two to one, but she will still double the power of the next card played at her location.
On the other hand, some cards are receiving buffs. Black Widow’s Widow’s Bite will now enter the opposition’s hand with negative-one energy instead of zero. White Tiger’s Spirit Tiger will spawn with eight power instead of seven.
The full patch notes can be found on Marvel Snap’s website.