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Mastering Jungle Pathing in League of Legends



Jungle pathing is a crucial aspect of playing the jungler role in League of Legends. It involves planning and executing the most efficient route through the jungle, including camp clearing, ganks, and invades. Understanding jungle pathing allows you to make informed decisions, track the enemy jungler, and set up plays to benefit your team. In this guide, we will explore common jungle paths and special paths for specific champions.

Common Jungling Paths

1. Full Clear

Full clear pathing is recommended for beginners and power-farming junglers. It involves clearing all three jungle camps on one side of the map before moving to the next quadrant. This pathing is ideal for champions like Evelyn, Master Yi, Karthus, Lillia, and Viego.

Starting on the Blue Side:
– Begin with the Red Brambleback (red buff) to reach level two.
– Clear either the Krug camp or the Raptors next, prioritizing Raptors if you have AoE abilities.
– Move on to Wolves, Blue Sentinel (blue buff), and Gromp.
– Finish by securing a Scuttle Crab in the river.

Starting on the Red Side:
– Start with the Blue Sentinel (blue buff) and proceed to Gromp and Wolves.
– Clear Raptors, Red Brambleback (red buff), and Krugs.
– Secure a Scuttle Crab to complete the full clear.

2. Buff to Buff and Gank

This pathing is suitable for champions with strong early game damage and ganking potential, such as Jarvan IV, Elise, Rek’Sai, Nunu & Willump, Volibear, and Lee Sin.

Blue Side Pathing:
– Start with Red Brambleback (red buff) and then kill your Blue Sentinel (blue buff).
– Gank either mid lane or top lane.

Red Side Pathing:
– Begin with the Blue Sentinel (blue buff) and then kill Red Brambleback (red buff).
– Gank either top lane or mid lane.

3. Vertical Jungling

Vertical jungling involves clearing the enemy jungle on the opposite side of your own. This strategy allows you to hover around your win-condition lane and force the enemy jungler to gank their weaker side. It works well with champions like Kayle, Fiora, or Irelia.

Blue Side Pathing:
– Start with Red Brambleback (red buff), Krugs, and Raptors.
– Move to the enemy Blue Sentinel (blue buff), Gromp, and Wolves.

Red Side Pathing:
– Start with Blue Sentinel (blue buff), Gromp, and Wolves.
– Proceed to enemy Red Brambleback (red buff), Raptors, and Krugs.

4. Raptors/Wolves Start

This pathing is for champions with strong early-game AOE abilities, such as Kayn, Fiddlesticks, Amumu, Nocturne, Lillia, Shyvana, and Udyr. Starting with Raptors or Wolves allows for a unique and hidden pathing approach.

Raptors Start:
– Begin with Raptors, then clear Red Brambleback (red buff), Krugs, Wolves, Blue Sentinel (blue buff), and Gromp.

Wolves Start:
– Start with Wolves, then clear Blue Sentinel (blue buff), Gromp, Raptors, Red Brambleback (red buff), and Krugs.


Invading refers to entering the enemy jungle to steal camps or set traps for the enemy jungler. It is best done after a successful gank or when you have a significant lead. However, invading carries risks and requires knowledge of enemy laners’ whereabouts and reaction times. If an invade goes wrong, focus on farming and ganking to avoid falling behind.


Ganking is a crucial tool for junglers to impact the game. The most common approach is to gank the nearest lane where a fight is happening. Look for lanes with crowd control (CC) or overextended enemies without proper vision. Pay attention to the enemy jungler’s strategy and counter-gank if necessary.


As a jungler, securing objectives like drakes and the Rift Herald is essential. Prioritize taking them down whenever possible. Trading objectives can also be beneficial, but avoid giving too many objectives to the enemy team. Be cautious with risky plays and invades before neutral monsters spawn, as you may lose the objective entirely.

About the author


About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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