Microsoft’s Xbox secrets have been inadvertently revealed online, causing a major stir in the gaming community. The company mistakenly included sensitive information in exhibits shared with the court, which were then uploaded online. These documents contained plans to acquire Nintendo, create remastered versions of popular games, redesign the Xbox Series X, and launch a new controller. Additionally, a timeline for the release of Elder Scrolls VI was also exposed.
The responsibility for this leak lies solely with Microsoft, as they failed to properly redact the confidential details before sharing them. The court and the Federal Trade Commission are not at fault in this matter. Microsoft promptly alerted the court about the mistake, leading to the immediate removal of the documents. However, during their brief time online, the information was leaked.
Microsoft has been ordered by the court to resubmit the exhibits, ensuring that only public information is included. Although this may mitigate some of the damage caused, the fact remains that Xbox’s secrets are now out in the open. Phil Spencer, the CEO of Microsoft Gaming, expressed disappointment over the leak but reassured fans that many of the documents were outdated and plans have since evolved.
While this incident may be the biggest leak in Xbox’s history, it may not have completely ruined their plans. Nonetheless, it came as a surprise to fans who eagerly anticipate the console’s exclusive titles.
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