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Modern Warfare 3 Trophy Issue: No Platinum Trophy for Achievement Hunters


Modern Warfare 3’s lack of a platinum trophy has disappointed achievement hunters. The game, considered a DLC for MW2, does not offer the coveted platinum trophy for completing the game in its entirety. PlayStation 5 players will only have one gold trophy to unlock, while Xbox gamers can earn three gold-level achievements. Surprisingly, the PlayStation 4 version does have a platinum trophy, but it remains uncertain if the PS5 will have additional high-tier achievements. This trophy mishap may deter some gamers from purchasing MW3.

MW3’s trophy issue stems from the perception that it is merely a DLC for MW2. Despite being a full-priced AAA title, players feel cheated and upset about the lack of a platinum trophy. The game is available in Activision’s CoD HQ library, which gives the impression that each new installment is just a DLC. However, MW3 is not a DLC but a standalone game.

The trophy controversy adds to the growing list of complaints about MW3. Players criticized the game’s saturation and visibility during the beta, claiming that allies and enemies were indistinguishable. Dull map colors and design further dampened excitement for the game’s release. These issues, combined with the trophy problems, have left many fans disgruntled.

Overall, MW3’s lack of a platinum trophy and the perception of it being a DLC have disappointed and frustrated gamers. The game’s beta experience also received negative feedback, further contributing to the discontent surrounding MW3.


About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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