Players of Mortal Kombat 1 have discovered a clever loophole to obtain skins and cosmetic items without having to pay for them. By changing the date on their devices, players can access all the skins from previous seasons that were once free. This trick has caused controversy within the community as players express frustration over the high prices of cosmetic items in the game.
The method was initially shared on PlayStation 5 but can only be executed on the Nintendo Switch and PC platforms. Players have been using this trick to purchase skins that were previously available, going as far back as October 13th. As complaints about the expensive cosmetic items continue to rise, fans have been sharing this workaround as a way to obtain desired skins without spending money.
It’s important to note that using this trick comes with risks. Skins are intended to be available for a limited time, and players who exploit this loophole may face consequences from the developer if caught. Additionally, future updates may patch this method, rendering it ineffective.
Original Content:
Date | Content |
Nov. 21 | Players discover loophole to obtain free skins by changing device date |
Oct. 27 | Halloween event includes expensive fatalities bundle and criticized exclusive skins |
Five years ago | Similar trick used in Mortal Kombat 11 |