Mimikyu, the dual Ghost and Fairy Type Pokémon, has captured the hearts of fans with its unique ability to transform from its Disguised Form into its Busted Form. However, one dedicated Pokéfan has taken it upon themselves to create an evolved form for Mimikyu, inspired by the eerie Mind Flayer from Stranger Things.
While Mimikyu is already a fascinating and enigmatic Pokémon, known for rendering Meowth unconscious when it revealed its true form, this fan-made evolution adds an extra layer of mystery and terror. With black spindly legs emerging from beneath its Pikachu disguise, this evolved Mimikyu is truly a sight to behold.
It’s important to note that Mimikyu does not officially have an evolution in the Pokémon franchise, and it may never receive one. However, this fan creation serves as a delightful treat for Halloween, showcasing the creativity and imagination of Pokémon enthusiasts.
Perhaps, in keeping with the theme, Mimikyu’s disguise could even evolve into a Raichu. But would that be too much or not enough? Only time will tell.
Regardless, Mimikyu’s existing form is already a testament to the ingenuity of the Pokémon design team. Its captivating backstory and air of mystery make it a beloved character among fans.
So, while an official evolution may never come to fruition, this fan-made creation allows us to indulge in the spooky and imaginative world of Pokémon during the Halloween season.