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Necrochasm Exotic Auto Rifle Returns in Destiny 2 Raid with Guaranteed Drop


Destiny 2 players will be thrilled to know that the beloved Necrochasm Exotic auto rifle from the original Destiny game is making a comeback. Unlike before, players won’t have to rely on random luck to obtain it. Bungie has confirmed that the weapon will be a guaranteed rewards drop for those who complete a specific quest during the Crota’s End Raid.

The quest, called “Bottomless Pit,” can be obtained from the raid vendor during the two-day Contest Mode for Crota’s End. Simply accepting the quest during this time will automatically mark it as complete and reward players with the Husk of the Pit, a fully Masterworked Eidolon Ally, and the coveted Necrochasm Exotic rifle. No currency is required to accept the questline.

If the quest is accepted outside of the two-day window, players will need to complete it in order to receive the rewards, including the Necrochasm.

What sets this raid apart is the weapon’s catalyst, Essence of the Oversoul, which can be found throughout the raid’s encounters. These are necessary to complete the Bottomless Pit quest and also contribute to completing the Necrochasm Exotic catalyst. If players receive the gun during Contest Mode, they won’t be able to fully complete the catalyst right away, as there is a cap of 20 souls collected until the mode ends.

Whether you participate in the raid on launch day or later, you’ll have a chance to obtain this sought-after Exotic weapon. Players who take part in the raid during Contest Mode will receive the gun instantly and gain a headstart on the weapon’s catalyst.

Even if you join the raid at a later time, you can still work towards obtaining the weapon without relying on luck or multiple raid completions.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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