The Pokémon Trading Card Game has unveiled upcoming expansions, Ancient Roar and Future Flash, for the Scarlet & Violet series. The official Japanese homepage showcases stunning artwork and introduces new Pokémon ex and art rare cards. A 17-minute video on the Pokémon Trading Card Game’s YouTube channel provides a detailed overview of the expansion, featuring exciting cards like Wimpod, Flittle, Altaria ex, Tandemaus, and more.
The fourth expansion in the Scarlet & Violet Series is called Scarlet & Violet — Paradox Rift. It introduces two new card variants: Ancient Roar and Future Flash, available as both Pokémon and Trainer cards. With over 180 cards, Paradox Rift includes 13 Pokémon ex, seven Tera Pokémon ex, 34 illustration rare Pokémon, 15 special illustration rare Pokémon and Supporter cards, 28 ultra rare full-art etched Pokémon ex and Supporter cards, and seven hyper rare gold etched cards.
Paradox Rift also features more than 20 Trainer cards, Type-shifted Tera Pokémon ex with a crystalline appearance, and Technical Machine cards (TMs) reintroduced from previous expansions. The TM cards are categorized as Pokémon Tool cards in this set. Notably, the expansion showcases a Water-type Garchomp ex.
The new Paradox Pokémon cards will debut in Japan on October 27, 2023, followed by an international release as part of the Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift expansion on November 3rd. Fans can look forward to collecting these exciting new cards and experiencing the thrill of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.