If you’re one of the few Pokémon Go enthusiasts wondering why you can’t collect more than 250 Zygarde Cells, it turns out that Niantic has decided to put a limit on the number of cells you can have at once. This discovery has left players feeling both annoyed and amused.
In a Reddit post on November 5th, a player named bashford427 shared their experience with collecting Zygarde Cells, revealing that they wasted a whole day’s worth of cells because they were unaware of the cap. Many other players expressed their frustration with the limit, joking about how long it would take them to reach the cap for such a rare item.
Players also criticized Niantic for making it difficult to obtain Zygarde Cells and for adding a cap to them, which seemed nonsensical. To make matters worse, there is also a daily limit of three Zygarde Cells that can be obtained.
Zygarde Cells are crucial for evolving Zygarde, a powerful creature in Pokémon Go. These cells can only be collected while exploring Routes, a feature added to the game during the Season of Hidden Gems in July. However, there is no guarantee that you will come across a cell during your walk.
Some players who enjoy outdoor activities have found it easier to collect Zygarde Cells, but for many others, the high limit on such a rare find is amusing, especially considering that some players are still stuck with only one cell. Unfortunately, this kind of decision from Niantic is not surprising to the Pokémon Go community.