Overwatch 2 recently implemented a new leaver penalty system in an attempt to reduce the number of players leaving matches during season seven. However, some players have expressed doubts about its effectiveness and are concerned that it may lead to other issues.
The new leaver penalty, introduced with the latest Overwatch 2 update on October 9th, has raised concerns among players who are conflicted about its impact. They fear that instead of leaving matches, players will now resort to trolling or AFKing (Away From Keyboard) in spawn, refusing to actively participate in the game.
Players find this behavior even more frustrating than leavers, as they would previously be replaced by other players. In some cases, these replacements turned out to be skilled players who helped turn the tide of the match. With the new penalty system, these players will be forced to stay and potentially throw the game.
Blizzard has implemented the leaver penalties in two thresholds. Once a player reaches the first threshold, they are suspended from matchmaking for 10 minutes. If they reach the second threshold, the suspension increases to 30 minutes. The system determines these thresholds by analyzing the player’s last 20 matches.
Some players have drawn comparisons to other games like League of Legends and VALORANT, which also have penalties for leaving matches. For example, League of Legends has a queue dodging system where players who leave champion select face a six-minute penalty and a deduction in league points for ranked matches.
As Overwatch 2’s season seven is still in its early stages, the effectiveness of the new leaver penalty system remains to be seen. Will it successfully deter leavers or exacerbate the situation? Only time will tell.
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