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Payday 3 Developers Slash Prices for Loadout Customization Slots

Xavier Ward

The developers of Payday 3 have made a significant move to win back fans’ trust by reducing the prices of additional slots for loadout customizations. In response to feedback from players, the cost of primary weapon slots has been reduced from 100 C-Stacks to just 10, while all other slots now cost 5 C-Stacks instead of 50. This price reduction is a positive step towards restoring Payday’s reputation.

During the game’s launch week, server issues rendered it unplayable for most players. Despite this setback, many fans, including ourselves, are still hopeful for Payday 3’s redemption. However, the developers, Starbreeze, will need to make further improvements to regain the trust and time of their audience.

It’s important to note that Payday 3 does not include micro-transactions. The in-game currency, C-Stacks, can be purchased with money earned from completing heists, rather than real-world currency. One C-Stack is equivalent to $10,000 in-game money, and 10 C-Stacks cost $90,000. Completing a heist typically rewards players with at least $100,000, with some yielding closer to $500,000 on average.

Prior to the cost reduction, players had to complete two or three heists to unlock a new slot. However, after the update, a single heist will provide enough funds to unlock approximately five new weapon slots or ten secondary weapon slots. This adjustment significantly improves the accessibility of loadout customization.

It’s worth mentioning that new weapon slots are not purchased with C-Stacks but with in-game money. The decision to provide the C-Stack value was likely to avoid confusion for those unfamiliar with the game’s currency system. In Payday 3, $100,000 is considered a small amount.

Fans have generally responded positively to this update, considering it a step in the right direction. However, there is still a desire for further quality-of-life improvements before fully forgiving the developers for the server issues experienced during the game’s launch.

Time Score
October 3, 2023 N/A

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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