Payday 3, released on September 21, faced a significant challenge in player count compared to its predecessor, Payday 2. Despite being a new game, Payday 3 consistently had fewer players than Payday 2 between September 21 and October 1. The main reason for this was the game’s terrible servers, which hindered the overall gameplay experience.
A Reddit user, u/ArmyofKnights, highlighted this issue in a post, pointing out that Payday 3 only briefly surpassed Payday 2 in player count on September 25. For the rest of the time, Payday 3 struggled to maintain around 20,000 players, while Payday 2 maintained a steady count of around 40,000 players. This data is based on Steam’s official player count chart, providing accurate information.
It comes as no surprise that Payday 3 faced difficulties in attracting players due to its server problems. The game was virtually unplayable during its launch week, which naturally deterred potential players. Even when the servers were temporarily fixed, the constant fluctuations made it hard to trust the stability of the game.
Opinions on why Payday 3 had fewer players than Payday 2 vary among fans. Some believe that Payday 3 still needs to catch up in terms of gameplay, while others argue that Payday 3 is superior in almost every aspect, except for the server issues.
Despite personal opinions, it is evident that the server nightmare significantly impacted Payday 3’s player count. Even a poorly received sequel usually garners high player counts during its initial launch week, as players explore and form their own judgments. However, the persistent server issues overshadowed any potential positive aspects of the game.
As of October 2, Payday 3 has managed to surpass Payday 2 in player count for the past 48 hours. However, it remains uncertain if this trend will continue. It would be premature to claim that Payday 3’s server issues are fully resolved, as the game’s history of instability makes it difficult to trust any temporary improvements.
Overall, while Payday 3 may be a great game, its server problems have undoubtedly hindered its success. It may take some time before players regain confidence in the game and focus on its gameplay rather than its technical issues. The disappointment caused by the server issues has left a lasting impact on the game’s initial reception.