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Playing Hardcore in World of Warcraft Classic: The Deadliest Challenges


Playing Hardcore in World of Warcraft Classic has proven to be a deadly endeavor, with players discussing the most lethal aspects of this challenging mode. Surprisingly, it seems that other players themselves pose the greatest danger. Despite efforts by Blizzard to prevent griefing, the unpredictable actions of fellow gamers can lead to dangerous situations.

One player, who chose to play as a Priest, the game’s strongest healing class, found that their desire to help others often put them at risk. While leveling up safely and steadily, their “internal lawful good” instincts kicked in, leading them to assist players in combat. Unfortunately, this act of kindness sometimes resulted in problematic scenarios.

In light of these experiences, the original poster advised other players not to be “good guys,” sparking a discussion about various causes of death in the game. Many of these causes were more amusing than alarming.

Cause of Death Description
Sewer Beast A rare Crocolisk named “Sewer Beast” in Stormwind City has claimed numerous lives. While it may not be a threat to level 60 players, lower-level adventurers should avoid the waters of the Alliance capital city.
Drowning Many players have met their demise by drowning. Quests that require underwater exploration can be perilous if players run out of breath without the necessary buffs.

So, the next time you embark on a Hardcore session, perhaps it’s wise to worry less about formidable foes and focus more on ensuring you have enough air for those underwater quests.

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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