Pokémon Adventure 2000, a lost browser game tied to the Pokémon movie released in 2000, has been brought back to life by dedicated fans. This $2 million project, developed by Cyberworld and licensed by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, was shut down and scrubbed from the internet due to concerns from Nintendo. However, thanks to the efforts of fans, the game is now playable again after 23 years.
Pokémon Adventure 2000 was initially mistaken for a promotional browser game made by Warner Bros. to promote the movie. However, it turned out to be much more than that. The game gained popularity quickly, with over one million downloads in just one month. This success led to Nintendo issuing a cease and desist order, as they felt threatened by the game’s potential to take the Pokémon franchise in a new direction.
Despite the hype surrounding the game’s revival, Pokémon Adventure 2000 is not as groundbreaking as one might expect. It is a casual point-and-click simulator aimed at children, featuring simple puzzles and outdated trivia. The game allows players to explore the area around Shamouti Island and evolve their Pokémon, but it lacks the depth and complexity of traditional Pokémon games.
While Nintendo and The Pokémon Company may have overreacted by shutting down the game, their protective nature towards their intellectual property is well-known. Nevertheless, the fact that fans were able to restore and make the game playable again is a testament to their dedication and the power of the internet community.
If you’re interested in experiencing Pokémon Adventure 2000 or learning more about its history, check out the full video on DidYouKnowGaming. Support for restoration efforts like this ensures that lost media can be preserved and enjoyed by future generations.
Pokémon Adventure 2000: Game Details
Release Date | Early 2000 |
Developer | Cyberworld |
Publisher | Warner Bros. |
License | Nintendo, The Pokémon Company |
Estimated Cost | $2 million |
Gameplay | Point-and-click simulator |
Target Audience | Children |
Features | Simple puzzles, outdated trivia, Pokémon evolution |