Pokémon and Santa Cruz have joined forces to release a collection of blind bags featuring unique skateboard decks. Each blind bag contains one deck with one of 20 different designs, and just like Pokémon TCG booster packs, the contents are random and unknown until opened. The most sought-after design in this collaboration is Charizard.
Out of the five gold decks available, none compare to the rarity and value of Charizard. On the resale market, this particular deck is being listed for up to $20,000. While it hasn’t been sold at that price yet, there are buyers willing to pay exorbitant amounts to add this item to their collections. In fact, a previous sale of the Charizard deck fetched $15,000, allowing the seller to purchase a car solely from the proceeds of a random blind bag pull.
The high prices can be attributed to the fact that these collaboration items sold out almost instantly, making the resale market the only option for those who missed out. However, if you’re willing to take a chance, sealed blind bags can still be found for a more affordable price of $500. Keep in mind that the original retail price was only $110, so even at $500, you’re paying a significant markup.
Pokémon’s popularity shows no signs of waning after more than two decades, but it’s important to exercise caution and not spend your life savings on a Charizard skateboard. Stay safe, trainers!
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