Pokémon Go fans express their disappointment as the highly anticipated new feature hinted by producer Michael Steranka may have already been released. With 2023 coming to an end, players are left wanting more despite the addition of three major features to the game.
In a Reddit thread from November 22nd, players voiced their concerns about what could potentially be coming to Pokémon Go—or rather, what may not be coming. The thread’s title questioned whether parties were the “huge new feature” Steranka had previously mentioned, expressing disappointment if that were the case. The author further criticized the new feature, stating that it simply forces group play on those who do not desire it.
As the thread’s author pointed out, Steranka had hinted at significant additions to the game. In an interview with Eurogamer during the summer, he mentioned a forthcoming “blockbuster slate” of features for Pokémon Go.
Since then, several major features have been introduced to the AR game, suggesting that Party Play may not be the only aspect Steranka was referring to in his earlier interview. In July, Niantic introduced Showcases and Routes to the game.
Showcases provide players with a new way to compete using the Pokémon they have caught, taking into account factors such as size and other attributes. Routes, on the other hand, allow players to follow predetermined paths to obtain Zygarde Cells and other rewards.
However, the introduction of Routes sparked controversy as players expressed dissatisfaction with the approval process for adding routes or the penalties imposed on players whose itineraries were not approved.
Party Play also faced criticism from a portion of the community. This feature requires physical gameplay with friends, which is not always possible or desired by some players. Consequently, the decision to lock certain content behind Party Play has been met with complaints.
Overall, the game has undergone significant changes this year, primarily favoring in-person play. This has left players who prefer remote play wanting more. However, it is unlikely that the game will introduce any major additions before 2024.