The upcoming DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, titled The Indigo Disk, aims to transform the school experience into an enjoyable adventure. In the base game, attending classes at Naranja or Uva academy was dull and offered little reward. However, with the new DLC, players can expect a significant change in the curriculum, making classes more engaging and exciting.
In a recent preview of the game by IGN and Shacknews, it was revealed that one of the classes involved learning about regional forms of Pokémon. After gaining knowledge about these unique variations, players were then challenged to catch an Alolan Pokémon and present their success. This simple task adds meaning and purpose to the gameplay, unlike the base game where attending classes felt like a chore.
This new approach to classes in The Indigo Disk DLC is reminiscent of the side quests in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. These quests introduced various game mechanics and offered rewarding experiences. However, it is yet to be seen how extensive these quests will be, their quantity, and whether they are optional or mandatory. More details about the DLC should be revealed soon.
Personally, I hope these quests are separate from the main story progression, similar to Pokémon Legends: Arceus. This would provide additional content for players to enjoy once they have completed the main questline. However, I hope I won’t have to endure the challenge of catching a giant Buizel again.