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Smokes from Astra, Brimstone, and Omen now have audio cues before fading


The latest PBE patch for VALORANT brings some unexpected changes that may catch controller agents off guard. In patch 7.08, smokes from Astra, Brimstone, and Omen will now make noises before they disappear. This audio cue, along with a visual indicator, will occur 1.5 seconds before the smoke fades. While this change may seem strange, it aims to help players anticipate when the smoke will dissipate.

The duration of these smokes varies between agents, with Brimstone’s lasting the longest at over 19 seconds and Astra’s lasting just over 14 seconds. For new players, it can be challenging to remember the exact duration of each smoke. This audio cue will serve as a reminder that the smoke is about to vanish, preventing any surprises.

It’s worth noting that Harbor and Viper, the other two controller agents, won’t receive this audio cue. This is because they already have visual and audio indicators in place for their smokes. Viper verbally announces when her smoke is deployed, while Harbor’s smoke shield breaks before disappearing completely.

In addition to agent changes, there is also an update to the queue procedure for VALORANT’s Premier tournaments. Instead of having an hour-long queue window, teams will now have only 15 minutes to queue up and stay queued. This change will be implemented during this season’s playoffs.

Here are the rest of the updates in the VALORANT Patch 7.08 PBE:

General Updates:
– The agent select screen has been adjusted to accommodate upcoming agent releases.

Agent Updates:
– Astra, Brimstone, and Omen’s smokes will now have an audio and visual cue 1.5 seconds before fading.
– Ability-equipping sounds will no longer be audible to teammates.

Premier Updates:
– The queue time for the Premier Playoffs Tournament has been reduced to 15 minutes from one hour. Teams must be ready and queued within this window.

Store Updates:
– The Level Borders and Player Card UI have been upgraded to a grid system.

Bug Fixes:
– Deadlock’s Annihilation Ultimate can no longer open doors on Bind and Breeze.
– Neon’s Fast Lane ability now correctly extends through the A Door on Fracture when cast from outside.
– Fixed an audio bug where the music track would skip when loading into a map.
– Players will now receive appropriate penalties for disruptive behavior in ranked games.
– Fixed an audio bug where kill banner sounds were too quiet.

These changes are currently available on the PBE and are expected to go live in the main game next week. Stay tuned for more updates and adjustments in VALORANT.


About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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