In 2002, a unique Snorlax Pokémon card was created through an art contest, and it has recently resurfaced online along with the 20 runner-ups. The contest, held by Wizards of the Coast, invited Pokémon fans to design new artwork for Snorlax, with the winning entry being printed. The winning card, created by artist Craig Turvey, depicts a sleeping Snorlax with a small Eevee nearby. While the artwork may not be as impressive by today’s standards, it holds a certain charm and has become a sought-after collector’s item.
The entries from this contest were lost when the official Wizards of the Coast Pokémon website closed down. However, they have now been rediscovered, offering a glimpse into the origins of the Pokémon fandom in 2002. Turvey revealed that he completed his winning artwork in just one night and has since traded signed versions of the card with other collectors.
If you’re interested in adding this piece of Pokémon history to your collection, be prepared to save up some money. The current price for the Snorlax alternate art card starts at over $1,000 on eBay, with listings increasing in value from there.
Since 2002, Pokémon has increased the frequency of their drawing competitions, including the annual Illustrator Contest, which introduces new cards into the Pokémon TCG canon with artwork from fans. If you’re eager to get involved, the Pokémon Illustration Contest 2024 is currently running until January 31st. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your artistic skills and potentially have your artwork featured on an official Pokémon card.