Fantasy Flight Games has announced the launch date for the highly anticipated Star Wars Unlimited: Spark of Rebellion trading card game. Set to release on March 8, 2022, this new TCG will feature iconic characters from the Star Wars universe, including Darth Vader, Leia, Tarkin, and Chewbacca. The game will draw inspiration from all Star Wars sources, including video games and comics, making it a must-play for fans of the franchise.
With over 250 cards in the set, players can expect a wide variety of characters and abilities to choose from. One of the exciting reveals is the Mace Windu Party Crasher card, giving players a first look at this powerful character.
The developers of Star Wars Unlimited have taken a fresh approach to the TCG space, introducing new ways to use resources and keeping players engaged during their turns. To avoid top-decking scenarios, players will draw two cards per turn. Leaders will play a crucial role as the foundation of constructed decks.
Booster packs for Star Wars Unlimited will offer a range of foil and frame treatments, including Hyperspace and Showcase variants. Each pack will also include at least one regular foil card. The game has been designed to support Draft and Sealed gameplay, providing different ways for players to enjoy the experience. Fantasy Flight Games will even release a prerelease box as part of the product lineup.
Fans can mark their calendars for March 8, 2022, when Star Wars Unlimited: Spark of Rebellion hits store shelves. Get ready to immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe and engage in epic battles with your favorite characters. May the Force be with you!