Starfield, the highly-anticipated space-faring adventure, has left players frustrated and disappointed as they encounter numerous bugs that prevent them from completing quests and accessing features. Despite the game’s decade-long development, it has failed to live up to expectations, with issues persisting even two months after its release.
Players who initially enjoyed Starfield are now facing the annoyance of having their quest journal filled with uncompletable quests due to these bugs. The inability to differentiate between bugged quests and others adds to the frustration, especially for completionists who strive to clear their quest logs.
Many players have wasted countless hours searching for hidden areas or alternative methods to unlock these quests, only to discover through online resources that they are indeed bugged. Unfortunately, there is currently no solution to fix these bugs, as they are often tied to non-spawning NPCs, missing dialogue options, and inaccessible features.
The recent beta patch released on November 8th addressed only a small portion of the bugged quests, leaving many more still locked behind perplexing bugs that even skilled modders have been unable to overcome. While these bugs may not completely break the game, they pose a significant frustration for players who strive for completion.
Time | Score | Content |
Space-faring adventure Starfield was highly anticipated | ⭐⭐⭐ | Starfield, the highly-anticipated space-faring adventure |
Players frustrated with bugs preventing quest completion | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Players who have remained diligent in playing Starfield because they did enjoy it are frustrated they cannot complete several quests because they’re locked by bugs |
Quest journal filled with uncompletable quests | ⭐⭐ | This is beyond annoying because your quest journal quickly becomes filled with quests you want to complete but can’t |
Players wasting time searching for hidden areas or solutions | ⭐⭐⭐ | Many players ran around for days, wasting their time trying to find hidden areas or ways to unlock these quests |
No solution to fix bugs tied to NPCs, dialogue options, and features | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Unfortunately, there is no way to fix these bugs, as many are tied to NPCs not spawning, dialogue options not showing up, and unavailable features |
Beta patch only addressed a handful of bugged quests | ⭐⭐⭐ | Even worse, the big beta patch, which rolled out on Nov. 8, only addressed 10 bugged quests |
Bugged quests frustrating completionist players | ⭐⭐⭐ | While these bugged quests aren’t breaking the game, they are frustrating to those who want to complete all the quests and clear their Starfield quest logs |