Team Liquid, the renowned Counter-Strike team, is facing major setbacks as their head coach, Damian “daps” Steele, has been let go by the organization. The team has not yet announced a replacement for him.
In addition to this, Team Liquid made significant changes to their roster three months ago by adding two European players, Aleks “Rainwaker” Petrov and Robert “Patsi” Isyanov. However, their performances have been disappointing, leading to Rainwaker being officially benched and Patsi reportedly leaving the organization.
These roster changes come after a series of disastrous results for Team Liquid. They placed poorly in BLAST Fall Groups, Gamers8, and the ESL Pro League Season 18 Playoffs. Furthermore, they failed to qualify for IEM Cologne, a far cry from their previous success as winners of the Intel Grand Slam.
The team is currently in disarray, with Rainwaker being benched before the BLAST Fall Showdown and daps having to stand in and play. Rumors have circulated about the team potentially signing Danish IGL Casper “cadiaN” Møller, but even with an experienced leader, Team Liquid will need more than just an IGL to improve their performance in the upcoming CS2 era of Counter-Strike.
The past three months of turmoil have left fans disappointed and many have shifted their attention to Complexity, who unexpectedly reached the grand finals of IEM Sydney with former Liquid player Jonathan “EliGE” Jablonowski on their roster. Unless Team Liquid can make significant changes, they will continue to lose fans, drop in the HLTV rankings, and now face the loss of their head coach who played a crucial role in building their European-majority roster.
Tournament | Placement |
BLAST Fall Groups | 7th-9th |
Gamers8 | Bombed out |
ESL Pro League Season 18 Playoffs | Bombed out |
IEM Cologne | Failed to qualify |