In the vast world of Cyberpunk 2077, filled with an array of vehicles, one plucky hatchback has captured the hearts of players. Meet the Makigai MaiMai P126, the game’s cheapest car that has become a symbol of love and admiration among the community.
Revolutionary-Time76 sparked a discussion on Reddit, claiming that the MaiMai is not only the best-looking car but also the ultimate status symbol with exceptional handling. While their argument may not hold up under scrutiny, it did ignite a wave of support for the underdog vehicle.
Many players expressed their affection for the MaiMai, highlighting its unique features. Cannabis-Dog420 mentioned the satisfying way V opens the doors to shoot, while FoxInATrenchcoat humorously pointed out the extra cost of rolling down windows. It seems almost impossible to find someone who dislikes the MaiMai, as it often becomes the first choice for players after the Archer Hella EC-D i360.
Amidst the overwhelming praise for the MaiMai, a few voices shared their love for other vehicles. DarkCrasher99 passionately advocated for the Quadra Type-66 ‘Hoon,’ a new variant paying tribute to the late rallying star Ken Block. This vehicle excels in drifting, reminiscent of Block’s famous ‘Hoonigan’ YouTube channel and the ‘Gymkhana’ series.
Surprisingly, there was little excitement surrounding Cyberpunk’s only licensed vehicle, the Porsche 911 II (930) Turbo. In a futuristic world, this classic courier car stands out both aesthetically and in terms of handling. Porsche’s association with violence has historically been limited, making its inclusion in the game a noteworthy achievement.
However, the Makigai MaiMai P126 remains the undisputed favorite. Perhaps, in the future, another vehicle from their lineup will dethrone the king. The adorable and stout Tanishi T400 pickup truck has garnered some attention, but its maneuverability and lack of off-road suspension hinder its chances.
Whether it’s a quick trip to the mall, a stylish date, or even a daring bank robbery, the MaiMai is the go-to choice for players in Cyberpunk 2077. Its charm and versatility make it an enduring symbol of the game’s automotive world.