Climbing the ranks in VALORANT can be an exhausting journey, but there is one rank that stands out as particularly challenging to escape from. According to a Reddit post by u/IonLow, the consensus among players is that Silver is the most difficult rank to climb out of.
The cycle of almost ranking up only to drop down two tiers seems to be a common frustration in Silver. As one commenter put it, “It’s just a whole goddamn cycle. Silver 3 97/100 –> Silver 1 20/100 and repeat.” While this cycle exists in all ranks, it appears to be more prevalent and frustrating in low Elo.
Another issue that plagues Silver and other low Elo lobbies is the prevalence of throwing and smurfing. Players expressed their frustration with Reynas and Razes who either dominate the game or intentionally throw it. This creates an unbalanced and unpredictable environment that hinders progress.
However, it’s important to note that different players may find different ranks to be their personal Elo hell. Some players mentioned Gold, Diamond, Ascendant, and even Immortal as their most challenging ranks. Ultimately, the difficulty of climbing out of a rank depends on an individual’s skill ceiling and a bit of luck.
So, how can we escape our Elo hell in VALORANT? While it’s not a simple task, it is certainly achievable. The competitive tactical shooter genre requires players to continuously improve their mechanics and game sense. It’s crucial to learn how to carry games despite the obstacles faced and avoid rage-queuing, as anger won’t lead to progress. Instead, practice and patience are key to climbing the ranks.
As an avid player myself, I managed to climb out of Gold in Episode Five, Act Two, and reached Diamond in Episode Five, Act Three. However, I am currently struggling to maintain my Diamond status in Episode Seven, Act Two due to the high number of throwers in my games. Nevertheless, I remain determined to improve and overcome these challenges.