Tom Hardy, the actor who portrays Eddie Brock in the Venom movies, has given his stamp of approval to Tony Todd’s portrayal of Venom in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. In an Instagram post, Hardy shared a black and white image of Todd with the caption “legend” and a fire emoji.
Todd voices Venom alongside Jim Parri, who voices Harry Osborn, bringing two distinct sides to the character. Both actors deliver outstanding performances, particularly when Venom switches between personalities.
Venom has had a rocky history in popular media, but the character’s portrayal has greatly improved with Hardy and Todd. Fans are eager to see more of Todd’s voice work for Venom, and there is potential for the villain to return in future DLC or sequels.
In the meantime, fans can revisit the captivating story of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to experience Todd’s exceptional work once again. Additionally, a future update will allow players to enjoy New Game+ without losing their progress.
For those craving more Venom, the third installment of the Venom movie series, starring Tom Hardy, is set to release on July 12th, 2024. However, potential delays due to Hollywood strikes should be taken into consideration.
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