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Two Amethyst Characters in Rise of the Floodborn Set to Shake Up the Meta

Derek Morgan

Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn is set to introduce two new Amethyst characters that are expected to have a significant impact on the game’s meta. The spoilers for these characters, Merlin, Crab, and Madam Mim, Snake, were recently revealed on the Lorcana Discord, generating excitement among players. With over 200 new cards being added to the upcoming set, these two characters are likely to bring about some major changes.

The first character, Madam Mim, Snake, is a two-drop 3/3 character with a unique ability. Upon entering the battlefield, she can either banish herself or return another character you own back to your hand. This bounce effect can be incredibly powerful when combined with other cards like Merlin, Squirrel from the Rise of the Floodborn set. Merlin, Squirrel allows you to look at the top card of your deck when it enters and leaves play, creating additional synergy with Madam Mim, Snake. Other potential combos include bouncing Aladdin, Street Rat to inflict damage on opponents or bouncing low-cost characters to fuel late-game card draw through Stitch, Rock Star. Overall, Madam Mim, Snake offers a versatile and valuable ability.

The second character, Merlin, Crab, is a three-drop 3/3 character with its own unique ability. When played and when it leaves play, Merlin, Crab grants the chosen character Challenger plus-three. When combined with Madam Mim, Snake’s bounce effect, this combo can potentially give another character plus-six when Challenging. This makes it an incredibly powerful combination that can take out any character in the game. The synergy between Merlin, Crab and Madam Mim, Snake is particularly strong when paired with the Amber color, allowing for the bouncing of low-cost creatures. Both characters are low-rarity cards, making them easily accessible to players.

While these two characters are strong additions to any deck, it is not necessary to include four copies of each. Two copies of Madam Mim, Snake and Merlin, Crab should suffice, with the possibility of adding a third copy depending on the deck’s composition. These characters offer unique abilities that can greatly enhance gameplay strategies, making them valuable assets in the Rise of the Floodborn set.

Players will have the opportunity to test out these new characters when Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn releases early through local game stores on November 17. The official launch date through retail stores is set for December 1.

About the Author

The author of this article is an avid player and enthusiast of the Disney Lorcana TCG. They have a deep understanding of the game and its mechanics, providing valuable insights and analysis for fellow players.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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