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Xayah Dominates the Bottom Lane at Worlds 2023

Tim Price

Over the past week, the bottom lane has become the deciding factor in multiple games at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship. Two powerful AD champions, Xayah and Kai’Sa, have emerged as the top picks in the role. However, Xayah has proven to be the premier choice, outperforming Kai’Sa in both availability and win rate.

Xayah has been played 29 times, while Kai’Sa has been played 34 times in the tournament so far. Despite being banned 16 times, Xayah has still managed to shine with an impressive 72.1 percent win rate. On the other hand, Kai’Sa has only been banned five times but has struggled with a 44.1 percent win rate.

Both champions bring significant firepower and can fit into various team compositions. Kai’Sa offers unique mobility, allowing her to engage the enemy backline or chase down fleeing targets. With her passive damage and ability to shred through foes, she becomes a late-game threat. However, she lacks certain essential components in her kit.

Xayah, on the other hand, may not have the same engage or chase potential as Kai’Sa, but she compensates with other valuable tools. Her Bladecaller’s root provides crowd control, and her ultimate ability, Featherstorm, allows her to survive any engagement. These abilities make her an ideal champion for self-sufficient professionals who can dominate teamfights with their mechanical skill.

While professional League of Legends heavily relies on teamwork, having a backup plan for individual survival is always beneficial. Xayah’s ability to peel for herself makes her a reliable choice for ADCs who prioritize staying alive in chaotic situations.

In conclusion, Xayah has emerged as the dominant force in the bottom lane at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship. Her high win rate and self-sufficiency make her a top pick for professionals looking to secure victories in crucial teamfights. Meanwhile, Kai’Sa’s unique mobility and late-game potential have not translated into the same level of success.


About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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