The return of Super Mario RPG brings back beloved characters like Geno and Mallow, but it also introduces a new Yoshi named Boshi who defies the typical design trends of his species. Unlike other Yoshis, Boshi walks barefoot and rocks a pair of cool shades.
Many Mario fans find it odd that Yoshi doesn’t wear shoes, considering he’s an animal. However, when we delve into Yoshi’s design, it becomes clearer why this is the case. In an interview with Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto and Yoshi’s concept artist Takashi Tezuka, it was revealed that Yoshi was initially conceptualized as Mario riding a horse.
While there hasn’t been an official statement from Nintendo about Yoshi’s shoeless style being related to horses, it’s worth noting that Tezuka mentioned the dinosaur’s turtle-like features in the final design. He explained that the hump on Yoshi’s back is actually a shell, as Yoshi is considered a “member of the turtle family.”
Yoshi’s shoeless appearance may also be attributed to his personality. The original sketch for Yoshi was created by Shigefumi Hino, but Tezuka was brought on board to enhance his cuteness. Additionally, Super Mario World introduced a redesign for Koopas, giving them legs and shoes for the first time in the franchise.
Boshi, on the other hand, has a more rebellious and punk-like personality that matches his unique character design. In Super Mario RPG, Boshi declares himself the leader of the Yoshis after winning the Mushroom Derby. In the Switch remake, Boshi sports shaded sunglasses, a spiked collar, ankle braces, and claws on his feet. This differs slightly from Boshi’s original outfit, which featured toeless socks.
It’s worth noting that Yoshi has worn shoes in various games throughout the franchise. However, there have been instances where Yoshi is depicted without his boots. For example, the 1991 Super Mario World TV series features a barefoot baby Yoshi in the episode “Mama Luigi.” Additionally, a Super Mario World activity book from 1998 shows the iconic green Yoshi in a predicament where an enemy has stolen one of his shoes. These examples likely hold less canonical significance and feature different, less threatening foot designs.
While Yoshi’s shoeless style may raise eyebrows, it hasn’t stopped fans from imagining their own versions of Yoshi’s feet. There are numerous fan creations showcasing unique foot designs for Yoshi, catering to the specific interests of these dedicated fans.
Time | Score |
1991 | Super Mario World TV series features barefoot baby Yoshi in “Mama Luigi” episode |
1998 | Super Mario World activity book shows Yoshi in a predicament where an enemy steals one of his shoes |
Present | Fans create their own Yoshi feet designs |